Go–Go Juice, Cheese Balls & a little Piggy named Glitzy
Over the weekend we partnered with our friends from Q-100’s The Bert Show and added some balloon fun to their Honey Boo-Boo themed float in the PRIDE parade! We were happy to add some pink balloon columns to their trailer and wrap them with pink tulle. The columns were then topped with our fireworks sprays and some more tulle poofs. We thought these looked fun with the bales of hay, the trailer full of Q100 staffers dressed as characters from the TV show & the banner: You Better ‘Redneckognize’ The Gays!
Parade décor is always a challenge because you have to account for the wind- especially along Peachtree where some of the areas are like wind tunnels! We were pleased to see our columns had held up well. We would love to help you on your next event- give us a call and see what we can do to make your event (or parade float) POP!
I do want to give a quick shout out to the Atlanta Police Officer who graciously gave a motorcycle escort to a frustrated and lost tourist who was all confused by the parade road closings. This woman was begging for help out her car window on how to get to her hotel and without missing a beat the officer said he would be happy to get her where she needed to go. I wish I had been close enough to grab his badge name- he’s one of the good guys. Thank you Officer!
Holland & Sean